Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Topics and Themes

Thanks so much for paying attention to my ramblings!

I'm wondering if you could do me a favour.  If you happen to check back here on a regular basis to see what's new (or even if this is your first visit), would you mind using the comments option below to send me some suggestions for topics/themes that you would like to see addressed?

We're heading into the summer now which means more outside time and perhaps not as many posts but send me a note and keep coming back☻

1 comment:

  1. I hope your summer is going awesome!
    I try to pop in somewhat regularly, I love your insights and wisdom!
    I know I struggle with being IN this world, but not OF it. (or do I have that backwards?). I struggle with hearing the voice of God in the midst of the chaos in my life. I know it's the still small voice, but sometimes it's easier when He bangs me on the head. (I should qualify easier to hear not necessarily easier to do). I tend to complicate things that don't need to be complicated.
    I'll keep thinking of topics/themes. I usually check this on night shift, and I'm not exactly at my smartest...
