Saturday, June 20, 2015


It’s tough being a dad…

We have a TV but don’t have cable.  As a result we don’t get any TV channels (remember when you didn’t need to have cable to watch TV… [sigh]).  Anyway, what it means is that I have no idea what shows are on TV anymore.

So I did an internet search to find out who might be described as the best TV Dads in the current crop of offerings from Hollywood.  We love lists so there were plenty of hits for me to wade through. 

One list I found didn’t include a single example of a good TV dad from the last 30 years!  I guess I’m not missing much. 

I was working my way through another list when I found they had included Homer Simpson… 

I had to double check the heading of the article.  It was: “Greatest TV Dads of All Time”

Homer Simpson?!?  As one of the greatest TV dads of all time?  Seriously, who writes this stuff? Clearly we’re operating with a different definition of “great” and “all time”… and “dad” for that matter… 

It reminded me of a report I heard a couple of years ago.  The reporter talked about how fathers are often portrayed in the media, in commercials and movies as buffoons, clumsy and concerned only with drinking beer and hanging out with their immature college buddies.  They went on to refer to “media dads” as being incompetent when it comes to any sort of meaningful relationship, unworthy of authority and nothing short of a hazard when left alone with children…

[sigh] It’s tough being a Dad…

To all you dads out there doing your best to do your best…  standing with your face to the storm… trying to shelter your family as you desperately try to remain sane…

…you have my respect and gratitude.

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