Saturday, March 1, 2014

In Our Image

A friend of mine recently wrote:  I long to be part of a church that is more concerned with loving people than fixing people.

You know what I think? 

I think that if our desire was to truly bring healing even “fixing” people wouldn’t be so bad.  Thing is we aren’t even concerned with truly helping people… we’re more concerned with refashioning people in our image.

Now where have I heard that before?  “made in the image of…”

Like Adam and Eve we are still lusting for an authority that is not ours!  We want to be God.  We what people to bear our image… our thoughts… our ideas…  We don’t preach the gospel of Christ, we preach the gospel of self!   Look like me, act like me, believe like me!


…that’s not fixing people…
...just sayin'