Wednesday, July 26, 2017

There's just no pleasin' some folks...

I once had someone get angry at me because I hadn’t come to visit them when they were sick.
            “I thought I could depend on you!” they complained.

I wasn’t sure how to respond since they were still clearly suffering – the problem was they hadn’t told me until that moment that they were in need.  I still don’t know how I was supposed to have figured it out without being told.

Perhaps you heard about the couple who left their church because no one came to visit them?  It wasn’t that people weren’t friendly… they had lots of friends but years earlier they had stopped inviting people over because they found it “too taxing to get the house ready for visitors.”  Oh, they still liked going to people’s houses… they just didn’t want anyone in theirs.  Folks thought they were being standoffish and stopped having them over. Anyway, eventually they got so upset they left that church… to go to one where nobody even knew their name.  

…it’s the principle of the matter.

I once had a gentleman come up to me in the middle of the service while I was doing sound, and complain that I had the volume on the drums up too loud… TOO LOUD!  I tried to explain:
a.    The drums did not have microphones so there was nothing I could do from the balcony…
b.    The drummer, was in fact, not even playing… at all… not even a little…

Then there was the guy who chased one of my sound techs out of the building and into the parking lot after a “worship service” he felt was too loud.  The sound tech fortunately made it to the safety of his car before things escalated further.

I could go on… my point is some people are beyond pleasing.

Thing is, Jesus didn’t try to please everyone either… in fact, the only person Jesus was committed to pleasing was the Father.

…of course, that got Him nailed to a cross…

There’s a parable in there somewhere…

…just sayin’

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Why should God answer that prayer?

I’m not trying to be facetious.  There is no hidden agenda in the question.  It’s not one of those questions that has another one embedded within.  It’s simple: That prayer request that you offered up to God this morning… why should He answer?  Why are you asking Him to do… to help… to rescue …to heal?

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this or not but many of the prayers in scripture include reasons.  That is, the people not only asked God to intervene in their lives they explained why they felt it was important that He do just that!

Psalms 79 and 80 give several examples.  They include the reasons that most of us would expect:
·         We will call on your name 80:18
·         For the glory of thy name 79.9
·         For Your name’s sake 79.10
·         To silence the nations 74.10 - 79.10

There is however an example, also in the Psalms, that love for it’s plain language:  Psalm 123:3-4.

God help us! …because… because …well because we’ve had enough!

There’s no need to act spiritual with God – He already knows your heart so you might as well come out with it.

Why not try …maybe just for one day… to include with every prayer request the reason you feel God should answer. 

Be warned – I tried it once and had to retract the prayer!

…OK maybe it was more than once…

…just sayin’