Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Too Busy: Punishment or Disobedience?

I’m not sure when it happened or even why.  Maybe, it’s just me but, have you noticed how we have completely abandoned any semblance of a sacred calendar?
Our lives no longer revolve around the feasts, festivals and holy-days of faith but dance the beat of business, commerce.  In other words, our calendars declare us to be secular. 
Not all of us. 
Some of us come and go according to the seasons of the earth.  Historically, that’s the definition of pagan. 
Yup, we are for all intents and purposes a secular and pagan people.  Certainly if you look at what governs our calendars.
Now take a quick look at the scriptures.  Anywhere you look in scripture the people of God have allowed the stories, the celebrations, the festivals and feasts which reminded of God’s faithfulness and goodness to dictate the rhythm of their lives.  In other words, faithful calendars have traditionally been governed by faith…
…until now…
Now we “know better”…
When did it become a bad thing for families to adhere to a ritual?  How did we get to the point where regular attendance at the Corporate Gathering of the Body of Christ became optional?   How did we become so holy that we no longer need the regular reminders of a sacred rhythm?  How is it that believers all over the world continue to risk and give their lives for something that we look upon with such disdain? 
Are we really that much more spiritual than believers who are laying their lives down for Jesus?
How is it that pastors and church leaders have become used to… comfortable with… accepting of, believers who attend church once or twice a month?  When did “freedom in Christ” become defined as freedom from obedience?  …freedom from discipleship?  …freedom from commitment?
          True freedom in Christ does not allow you and I to abandon God’s rhythm in our lives…
          True freedom dictates that we follow it…
          In Deuteronomy 5:15 God calls His people to the rhythm of Sabbath because they were free.  “When you were slaves,” God reminds them, “you did not have the choice to Sabbath!  You were slaves to a pagan master and forced to adhere to a pagan rhythm.  Now that you are free… you are free to Sabbath and in ‘Sabbath-ing’ you will remember Who it is that set you free in the first place”
In Deuteronomy 15:15 God reminds His people that generosity is not legalism or bondage… it too the result of freedom.  As is charity (Deuteronomy 24.18, 22). 
Obedience is the privilege of those once bound - now free.
In Jeremiah 16 God declares a coming punishment on as a result of their disobedience.  Through the prophet He declares that without repentance they will be driven from the land of promise and forced to serve a pagan rhythm.   
So I have to ask it…
Is our perpetual busy-ness a mark of our disobedience… or of God’s punishment?

…just sayin’

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I’m embarrassed to say I purchased Exodus: Gods and Kings. 
Had I only known… I would have saved my money.

Our family doesn’t typically go to the theatre to watch movies – we find it more enjoyable to curl up on the couch in front of our own big screen at home.  So we waited for it to be released in the stores.

Now, I had read the reviews that talked about how a movie about an African country, that takes place in Africa used only white actors for the main roles.  I had heard reviews on the acting and the set design and the costumes… but I thought to myself, “How can anyone mess up the story?” 

Seriously!  It’s the perfect story for action, computer generated graphics, the depiction of the universal battle between good and evil… God and kings…

…for the life of me I cannot understand what compelled the writers, producers and directors to re-write the story!

In 1995 Director Roger Young directed Ben Kingsley in an adaptation of the Biblical account of Moses (significantly better than the 2014 Exodus fiasco IMMHO). 

In Young’s version the depiction of Exodus 20 is one of my favourite scenes in the movie. 

The people have been delivered from slavery.  They have marched into the desert free, but uncertain as to what that means.  They’ve been told they will get to meet the God who has just miraculously delivered them and…

God, as promised, shows up…

It’s overwhelming.  The people are absolutely terrified – and there stands Moses, basking in it… laughing like a man on the edge of crazy.  He’s done it!  He’s brought the people of God to the an encounter with God and now his job is done…

…only the people “can’t handle the Truth”.

I suspect Sundays would look a lot like this if God were to show up in our churches.

…just sayin’